How to Consolidate Accounts to a Single Organisation

Consolidating multiple accounts into a single Organisation can streamline management and ensure all subscriptions, licenses, and services are under a unified billing and administrative structure. However, this process requires careful planning due to the unique characteristics of each Organisation and its services.

Requirements to Consolidate Accounts to a Single Organisation

  • Role Required [learn more]:

    • Account Owner; or

    • Administrator

Step 1: Claim Your Organisation's Domain

  • Recommended First Step: Start by claiming the domain associated with your Organisation. This ensures no new accounts can be created with email addresses containing the claimed domain.

  • Existing Accounts Remain Unaffected: Claiming a domain does not impact existing accounts using the domain, allowing services subscribed under different organisational units to continue without disruption.

Step 2: Understand the Challenges of Consolidation

  • Separate Billing Cycles: Commercial Organisations may have different billing cycles (e.g., monthly or annually) and expiration dates for their subscriptions.

  • Unique Org Codes: Each Organisation has a unique Org Code used for services like Cloud Hosting, Marketplace uploads, and Team Workspaces. This identifier cannot be shared or transferred between Organisations.

  • License Migration Limitations: Product licenses cannot be migrated between accounts, necessitating new licenses for the parent Organisation.

Step 3: Plan Your Consolidation

  1. Assess Subscription Needs:

    • Ensure the parent Organisation has a subscription plan that meets or exceeds the requirements of the accounts to be consolidated.

  2. Prepare Services in the Parent Organisation:

    • Create the necessary services, such as product licenses and managed hosting accounts, within the parent Organisation.

  3. Update On-Premise Solutions:

    • For on-premise products like Martini Designer Desktop, Martini Designer Online, and Martini Server Runtime, a license can be easily updated from one Organisational account to another.

    • Generate a new license from the equivalent subscriptions of the parent Organisation and follow the procedure to update your license in the product.

    • Refer to the product documentation on managing licenses for more information.

  4. Migrate Managed Hosting Offers:

    • Managed hosting services, such as Bellini, Negroni, published Bellini apps, Martini Workspaces, Martini Essentials Hosting, and Martini Elastic Hosting, cannot use a license key from another account.

    • Manually migrate the associated Packages or Apps to the equivalent services in the parent Organisation before closing the old account.

Step 4: Migrate Accounts

  • Verify that all necessary configurations and migrations have been completed before deactivating or closing any old accounts.

Important Considerations

  • Consolidation impacts active services and users across accounts, so it should be carefully planned to avoid service interruptions.

  • Consolidation requires creating equivalent services in the parent Organisation to replace those tied to the accounts being migrated.

Further Reading

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